CCIPF - Cape Clothing Industry Provident Fund

Fund Contributions

The following contributions (expressed as a percentage of wage / salary) is payable monthly:

  Metro Members Non-Metro Members

Member Contributions

  • 6.03% of Fund Salary
  • From 1 September 2021: 6.5% of Fund Salary

Employer Contributions

  • From 1 September 2017: 7.25% of Fund Salary
  • From 1 September 2021: 6.5% of Fund Salary less R1.21 per week.


All member contributions are invested for the member’s retirement.

The costs of running the Fund and providing the death and disability benefits are deducted from members’ Fund Credit on a monthly basis. The amount deducted is determined annually by the Trustees.

Can Members make additional contributions to the Fund?

Yes, you can. You are encouraged to make additional contributions to the Fund in order to enhance your retirement benefits. These are referred as Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC).

Promotional Transfers

In terms of the Rules of the Fund, if members reach certain grades or levels in their companies e.g. by promotion and as a result qualify to transfer to another fund in which their employer participates, such members have an option to transfer to their employer’s fund or remain in the Fund.

If the form is received within the three months period, the member will therefore transfer to the new fund three months after the date of promotion. If no application form is received by the end of three months following the date of promotion, the affected members will be deemed to have exercised their right to remain in the Cape Clothing Industry Provident Fund.